
Contactmeeting in Belgium

Van woensdag 14 maar tot zondag 18 maart zijn onze Tsjechsiche en Engelse partners in België op bezoek. We kijken er naar uit om hen kennis te laten maken met de kinderen van onze school.

From the 14th of March until the 18th our Czech and English partners will visit Belgium. It will be our second meeting. We are looking forward to let them meet the children of our school. We will show them how we work and let them be part of our school for a few days.


Twin Space

I have just linked Twin Space to our blog.  May be I should also put a link on e twinning.

Our Teachers

Here at Lakeside we are very excited about our first Comenius visit abroad!

We are trying to learn some Dutch.

Lots of the words are like English, so that is helpful!  We hope we can speak a little Dutch and understand a few things when we visit in March.